

'Le Soleil émergea de la montagne, les vagues se déroulèrent sur la baie, de fabuleux oiseaux de couleurs flamboyantes s'envolèrent de la forêt. Eh bien, nous sommes tous de jolis anges ensemble au paradis. Couche-toi mon cheri, tu vas bien apprécier cela.'
Thanks to
Gérald Jay Salvat for sorting me out with a proper French version with all the proper accents etc. and nAr in the comments below for further refinement.

Taken from Jeroen Schipper's FAQ: "The literal English translation: 'And the sun rises over the mountain and the waves crash on the bay and the marvellous birds of bright colours fly away from the forest. And now, we're all pretty angels together in Paradise. Sleep with me; you will enjoy this.'" (or in other words, precisely what the Cannibal Surf Girl says but without the sarcasm! -Ed.)

However, Gavin Hodgeson disagrees, saying: "If your French is exactly what is said in the song, it ought to be the following - 'The sun came out from behind the mountain, the waves rolled in across the bay, fabulous brightly-coloured birds took off from the forest. Well then, we're all pretty angels together in paradise. Lie down my dear, you're going to enjoy it.'"

Song Listing

Songs with a link have explanations.


  1. Those should read as below (french native) :
    Thanks ! ;)

  2. All those should read as below (thanks to my french native):
    Thanks for correcting ;)

  3. Subsidiary research,
    *Et bien* should correctly be *Eh bien*


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