
Especially True

'I gazed upon you from the bleachers'
Bleachers is a US English term for tiered bench seating, as seen at sporting events, such as baseball.

David Dyte suggested that the rhyme refers to 'Bleacher Creatures' - the regulars in the cheap seats at the New York Yankee's Yankee Stadium. They have achieved notoriety for their rowdy songs and intimidation of nearby on-pitch members of the opposing team.

'I never knew much... ...quick with the US cliché'
Two people wrote in to suggest baseball clichés that meant the exact opposite of each other! Rich Hardingsuggested it might derive from the baseball-inspired euphemism "to score a home run" meaning to have had sex with someone, whereas Reece Pagesuggested it might be "to strike out", which euphemistically means to have failed to pick someone up. This phrase derives from the baseball rule of a batsman retiring from the field of play if he fails to strike a valid pitch three times.

'The Major League rules get me so confused'
'Major League' is the professional US baseball game, and its rules are known to be of Byzantine complexity.

'Central Park after dark, is safe these days'
Central Park, in Manhattan, is busy during the day, but at night it was historically regarded as a place to avoid, with gangs of youths, drug users and prostitution. However, since the late 1980s, considerable efforts have been put into ensuring the park is a safe place to be.

Nothing more than common sense is required to be safe in Central Park at night these days, I am informed.

'America. House of Blues'
'House of Blues' is a well-known concert and restaurant chain, owned by the Hard Rock Café owner and actor/comedian Dan Ackroyd.

'America. Shock and awe'
'Shock and Awe' was the post-Cold War tactic best known from its usage in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It was a tactic by which an invading force attempted to overwhelm its enemy by 'overwhelming power, dominant battlefield awareness, dominant manoeuvres, and spectacular displays of force to paralyse an adversary's perception of the battlefield and destroy its will to fight'. (Source: Wikipedia)

The entire album listing is included for completeness, but only songs with a link have explanations.

Volume 1: Essence
Volume 2: The Hard Shoulder

Click to access album
MSH SfaJT Fugazi MC CaS
SE HiE Brave AoS TSE
R10 dotcom ANP Marbles SWE

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