
Dreamy Street

'That monkey inside o'me Gone skulkin away'
A possible reference back to h's solo track The Evening Shadows and its opening line, 'I have an animal inside me'.

Other references to monkeys and apes exist on this album. Human beings, monkeys and apes all share a common ancestor, of course. Genetically, we may not have a monkey inside us, but we certainly share a lot of the same DNA!

The entire album listing is included for completeness, but only songs with a link have explanations.

Volume 1: Essence
Volume 2: The Hard Shoulder

Click to access album
MSH SfaJT Fugazi MC CaS
SE HiE Brave AoS TSE
R10 dotcom ANP Marbles SWE

1 comment:

  1. Also a reference to Pink Floyd's High Hopes and Fat Old Sun at the start of the song with the Church bells ringing


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