MSH SfaJT Fugazi MC CaS SE HiE Brave AoS TSE R10 dotcom ANP Marbles SWE HitR StcbM L=M FEAR WFftO AHBID


Just for fun and (mainly) because I'm a bit of a nerd, I've pulled out various elements of Marillion lyrics into themed lists.

List of Lists
Animal Song
Albatross Fugazi
Apes Happiness Is The Road, El Dorado v. The Grandchildren of Apes
Banana Spiders This Strange Engine
Bees This Strange Engine, Happiness Is The Road, El Dorado i. Long-Shadowed Sun, Reprogram the Gene
Beagling Garden Party
Bird Memory Of Water, Cannibal Surf Babe, House, Happiness Is The Road, Gaza, El Dorado i. Long-Shadowed Sun
Bugs The Answering Machine
Bulldog This Strange Engine
Butterflies Warm Wet Circles
Cabbage Whites El Dorado i. Long-Shadowed Sun
Cats Incubus
Chameleon Emerald Lies
Chicken Fruit of the Wild Rose, The Only Unforgivable Thing, Gaza
Corn Flies Thunder Fly
Crow The Crow and the Nightingale
Cuckoo The Uninvited Guest
Dog Forgotten Sons, Berlin, After Me
Dove  Memory Of Water
Ducks The Hollow Man
Flying Fish This Strange Engine
Frog Script For A Jester's Tear, Lady Nina
Horses Somewhere Else
Hounds Grendel
Insects The Web, Drilling Holes
Lamb Grendel, This Town
Leeches The Web, Garden Party
Lion This Town
Lizard Emerald Lies
Magpie Childhoods End?
Mare Pseudo Silk Kimono
Mice Sugar Mice
Minnow A Few Words For The Dead
Monkey Dreamy Street, The Man From Planet Marzipan, Emerald Lies, Be Hard On Yourself ii. Lust for Luxury
Moth Warm Wet Circles
Nightingale The Crow and the Nightingale
Rat Fugazi, Reprogram the Gene i. Invincible
Roaches Reprogram the Gene i. Invincible
Sheep Be Hard on Yourself i. The Tear In The Big Picture
Silverback (Gorilla) The Sky Above The Rain
Slug Hotel Hobbies
Snake Incubus, Man Of A Thousand Faces
Spider Bitter Suite
Swallows Garden Party
Swans This Strange Engine
Tyrannosaurus Rex Cannibal Surf Babe
Viper Forgotten Sons
Wolf Three Boats Down From The Candy

List of Lists

Female Names Song
Anais Interior Lulu
Angelina   Angelina
Angie Garden Party
Cinderella Cinderella Search
Edith Lady Nina
Elizabeth Lady Nina
Gloria Circular Ride
Greta Reprogram the Gene i. Invincible
Jane Icon
Joni Montreal
Judy Punch and Judy
Juliet Charting The Single
Kayleigh Kayleigh
Lavender Lavender
Lulu Interior Lulu
Linda Icon
Louise Interior Lulu
Magdalene Fugazi, Bitter Suite
Marilyn Lady Nina
Mary Icon, This Strange Engine
Naomi Icon
Nina Lady Nina
Ophelia Fugazi
Pam Icon
Pandora Fugazi
Wendy Neverland

List of Lists

Male Names Songs
Adam Hope For The Future
Elvis Three Minute Boy
Henry Interior Lulu
Jacob Built-In Bastard Radar
Jesus Afraid Of Sunrise
John Chelsea Monday
Leonard Montreal
Mickey Sympathy (for the Road Crew)
Peter Incommunicado
Romeo Charting The Single

List of Lists

Fictional, Mythical or Religious People Song Trivia
Adam Hope For The Future The first man, from Genesis 1
Banquo The Uninvited Guest Fictionalised version of real person from Shakespeare's Macbeth
Christ Torch Song
Cinderella Cinderella Search
Cyclops The Web From Homer's Oddessy
Dr. Finlay Torch Song A.J. Cronin's fictional Scottish General Practitioner
Dr. Frankenstein Reprogram the Gene i. Invincible Mary Shelley's creator of life
Helen of Troy The Crow and the Nightingale The woman that sparked the Trojan war in Greek mythology
Icarus The Great Escape
Jacob Built-In Bastard Radar Brother of Esau, from Genesis 32
Jesus Afraid Of Sunrise, Afraid Of Sunlight, This Strange Engine
Juliet Charting The Single From Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Mother Brown Forgotten Sons
Ophelia Fugazi From Shakespeare's Hamlet
Orion Somewhere Else The constellation named after the Greek Hunter
Othello Garden Party From Shakespeare's play of the same name
Peter Pan Incommunicado
Punch And Judy Punch and Judy
Romeo Charting The Single From Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Siren Script For A Jester's Tear, The Web
Tarzan Chelsea Monday
The Thief Of Baghdad Fugazi From One Thousand and One Nights
Wendy Darling Neverland From J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan

List of Lists

Real People Song Trivia
Pam(ela Anderson) Icon Model, Actress
Louise Brooks Interior Lulu Actress
Naomi (Campbell) Icon Model
Charlemagne Goodbye To All That King, Emperor
(Geoffrey) Chaucer Garden Party Poet
Leonard Cohen Montreal Poet, Author, Singer
Linda (Evangelista) Icon Model
Gloria Gaynor Circular Ride Singer
Christo (Javachef) The Crow and the Nightingale Artist
(Jack) Kerouac Torch Song Author
C.S. Lewis Interior Lulu Author
Henry (Miller) Interior Lulu Author
Joni Mitchell Montreal Singer/Songwriter
Marilyn Monroe Lady Nina Actress
(John) 'Mylo' (Mylett) Blind Curve Drummer from Rage
Anais (Nin) Interior Lulu Author
Edith Piaf Lady Nina Singer
Elvis (Presley) Three Minute Boy Singer
(Frank) Sinatra Torch Song Singer
(Johann) Strauss Garden Party Composer
Elizabeth Taylor Lady Nina Actress
Greta T(hunburg) Reprogram the Gene Environmental activist
(Tomas de) Torquemada Emerald Lies Head of the Spanish Inquisition
Tutenkhamen Somewhere Else Egyptian Pharaoh
Mr. Wilson Cannibal Surf Babe Brian Wilson, Composer, Singer, Musician
(Gianni) Versace Gazpacho Fashion Designer

List of Lists

Countries & Continents Songs
Africa The Last Century For Man
America The Last Century For Man, Especially True
Barbados Ocean Cloud
Brazil Enlightened
China The Last Century For Man, Living in FEAR
Egypt Goodbye To All That
England Costa Del Slough, Seasons End, Fruit of the Wild Rose, Trap The Spark, Especially True, Montreal, El Dorado i. Long-Shadowed Sun
Erin (Ireland) The Erin Marbles
Estonia Estonia (technically it is a ferry named after the country rather than the country per se)
France Torch Song, The Last Century For Man, Montreal
Iceland 80 Days
India The Last Century For Man
Ireland Easter
Japan 80 Days
Netherlands Happiness Is The Road
North America Montreal
Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
UK The Last Century For Man
USA Especially True
Vietnam Blind Curve

List of Lists

Regions, Cities & Towns Songs
Amsterdam The Space, The Invisible Man
Babylon Man Of A Thousand Faces
Berlin Berlin
Bethlehem Gaza
Bilston Glen Slainte Mhath
Blackheath Fugazi
Calais The Leavers
Docklands Fugazi
Dover The Leavers
Brixton Fugazi
Budapest The Invisible Man
Canterbury Cinderella Search
Chelsea Chelsea Monday
Clydeside Slainte Mhath
Cologne Charting The Single
Copenhagen Circular Ride
Flanders Slainte Mhath
Freetown Sierra Leone iii. The Diamond
Gaza Gaza
Geneva The New Kings
Hamburg The Leavers
Hollywood Assassing
Krakow The Invisible Man
Lima The Leavers
Lisbon The Leavers
Liverpool Easter
London Chelsea Monday, Tux On, Holloway Girl, Map of the World, Montreal, The Leavers
Lothian Heart of Lothian
Luxembourg The New Kings
Lyon Bitter Suite
Milan 80 Days
Milwaukee Sugar Mice
Monaco The New Kings
Montreal Montreal
Munich The Leavers
Nassau The New Kings
Nevada Afraid Of Sunrise
Newport The Leavers
New York Map of the World, Especially True, The Leavers
Paris Charting The Single, Map of the World, The Leavers
Phoenix Afraid Of Sunrise
Slough Costa Del Slough
South of France Thankyou Whoever You Are
St. Tropez Chelsea Monday
Stockholm The Leavers
Strasbourg The Leavers
Tequila Jigsaw
Timbuktu Three Minute Boy
Tokyo Three Minute Boy
Toronto Blind Curve
Utrecht Happiness is the Road
Yorkshire Especially True
Zurich 80 Days

List of Lists

Other Real Places Songs
An Domhan (the world) Care i. Maintenance Drugs
Belsize Park Kayleigh
The Berlin Wall Living in FEAR
Central Park Warm Wet Circles
Fidra Lighthouse Warm Wet Circles
Fleet Street Incommunicado
Holloway Holloway Girl
Gulags White Russian
House Of Blues Especially True
Legoland Incommunicado
The Maginot Line Living in FEAR
Marquee Incommunicado
Mars Asylum Satellite #1
Montego Bay This Strange Engine
Niagara Falls Power
Orion Somewhere Else
Parthanon Man Of A Thousand Faces
Père Lachaise Cemetery Beaujolais Day
Picadilly Line Fugazi
Primrose Hill Interior Lulu
Royal Mile Heart of Lothian
Rue de St. Denis White Russian
Rue St. Mich. Built-In Bastard Radar
Seine Charting The Single
St Stephen The Invisible Man
Sunset Boulevard Incommunicado
The Bridge of Sighs Jigsaw
The Cam Garden Party
The Earth Asylum Satellite #1
The Great White Way (Broadway) Afraid Of Sunrise
The Northern Line Under The Sun
The Old Father (River Thames) Chelsea Monday
The Statue of Liberty Goodbye To All That
Troy Goodbye To All That
Whitehall Forgotten Sons

List of Lists

Fictional Places Song
Asylum Satellite #1 Asylum Satellite #1
Eden/ Garden of Eden Holidays in Eden, A State of Mind
El Dorado El Dorado
Heaven Care iv. Angels On Earth
Heorot Grendel
Neverland Neverland
Pandemonium El Dorado i) i. Long-Shadowed Sun
Planet Marzipan The Wound, The Man From The Planet Marzipan

List of Lists

Trademarks & Brands Song
American Express Incommunicado
Armalite Forgotten Sons
Armani Gazpacho
Capri (Ford)
Chelsea Monday
Cirque du Soleil Montreal
Corniche (Rolls Royce)
Built-In Bastard Radar
Drambuie Slainte Mhath
Guardian Fugazi
Holiday Inn Blind Curve
Legoland Incommunicado
Life Fugazi
Martini Waterhole (Expresso Bongo)
Mogadons Punch and Judy
Olympic Number One
Orange Reprogram the Gene
Perrier Incommunicado
Polaroid Cinderella Search, Three Boats Down From The Candy, Mirages
Saracen Forgotten Sons
Saturn 5 Power
Silk Cut Emerald Lies
Skype Montreal
Spitfire Cover My Eyes
Tequila Jigsaw, Lady Nina
The Daily Express Punch and Judy, Paper Lies
The Daily Mail Paper Lies
The Evening Standard Chelsea Monday
The Mirror Paper Lies
The News of the World Paper Lies
The Sun Paper Lies
Time Fugazi
Today Paper Lies
Triumph (Motorbikes) This Strange Engine
Tussauds Incommunicado
Uzi White Russian
Valium Lords of the Backstage
Versace Gazpacho

List of Lists

Steve Gutteridge mentioned that with the inclusion of 'orange' in Reprogram the Gene, Marillion lyrics now contained an entire rainbow. But it's actually far more than that! I'm aware that gold is a colour, but it seems to me that it's only used in the sense of the metal so I chose not to include it, ditto khaki is a colour, but it's clearly used in the sense of combat fatigues which are commonly referred to as such. But then I have included all the coloured fevers from HKYN. Call me inconsistent...

Colour Song
Black Bitter Suite, Lords of the Backstage, Blind Curve, Tuxon, Exile on Princes Street, Berlin, Afraid of Sunrise, 80 Days, This Strange Engine, If My Heart Were a Ball, it Would Roll Uphill, Marbles, This Train is My Life, White Paper, The Crow and the Nightingale
Ebony Lady Nina
Silver Warm Wet Circles, The Bell in the Sea
Grey Charting the Single, Easter, This Strange Engine, Born to Run, Enlightened, The Leavers, White Paper
White Lords of the Backstage, White Feather, Warm Wet Circles, White Russian, Family Business, King of Sunset Town, Afraid of Sunrise, If My Heart Were a Ball, it Would Roll Uphill, The Other Half, Somewhere Else, Trap the Spark, El Dorado, White Paper, Sierra Leone
Pink These Chains, Invisible Ink
Red Lady Nina, White Russian, After Me, I Will Walk on Water, Beautiful, This Strange Engine, Especially True, El Dorado
Scarlet He Knows You Know
Crimson She Chameleon, This Strange Engine, The Fruit of the Wild Rose
Brown Beautiful
Orange Reprogram the Gene
Amber This Town
Gold Interior Lulu, Somewhere Else, Woke Up, El Dorado
Yellow He Knows You Know, The Web, El Dorado
Green Emerald Lies, Lavender, Easter, After Me, Beautiful, Born to Run, Threw Me Out, Sounds that Can't Be Made, Living in FEAR, White Paper, Reprogram the Gene, Sierra Leone
Blue Grey Born to Run
Ultramarine Enlightened
Blue Grendel, Garden Party, Chelsea Monday, Emerald Lies, Lavender, Tuxon, Shadows on the Barley, Exile on Princes Street, After Me, Waiting to Happen, Out of this World, Live Forever, 80 Days, This Strange Engine, A Few Words for the Dead, Enlightened, Interior Lulu, The Other Half, Especially True, Sounds that Can't Be Made, The Sky Above the Rain, White Paper, Be Hard On Yourself, Sierra Leone
Indigo When I Meet God, Sounds that Can't Be Made, Power, Sierra Leone
Purple He Knows You Know, I Will Walk on Water, This Strange Engine,
Violet Market Square Heroes, Bitter Suite

List of Lists


  1. Replies
    1. Is there in the section for Real People; John Mylett. It's not his first name, but a contracted & amended version of his surname, so I didn't think it should be in the list of male names.

  2. The Flanders referenced in Slainte Mhath is an engineering works rather than the place of the same name.

    1. Well, the song is drawing a parallel between the men facing the end of heavy industry in Scotland and their grandfathers in WWI trenches, so it clearly is a reference to Flanders in Belgium, but are you also saying it's an engineering works in Scotland? If so, do you know where exactly?

    2. I note that you never received a reply to this so I hope I can help. I think Flanders was in Lanarkshire to the north or east of Glasgow. It closed in the 1980s like a lot of works in that region and devastated the local area. Because of the references to clydeside and Bilston Glen I have always imagined that the Flanders mentioned is the works. I´m not sure but I think it was something to do with the local steel industry (Motherwell).

    3. Interesting! But annoyingly, Dr Google is not throwing up any info for me, so I need a little more before I can add this.

  3. Estonia isn't really about the European country. The song is about the sunken ferry vessel with the same name. I'm really not nitpicking, but hoping it helps clarify the song meaning.

    1. Indeed, as the song entry makes clear. I've clarified that point though.

  4. What about Belsize Park (Kayleigh)?

  5. Central Park and the Fidra lighthouse in Warm Wet Circles

  6. Lisbon and Lima:

    "We nod-off in London or Lisbon or Lima" (The Leavers part 1)

  7. small fix: Egypt belongs to the countries table
    (btw love this post)

    1. That was a test. You're the first to pass.


  8. Shouldn't the colour Orange be referenced to the phone network of the same name? (owned by Hutchinson Telecom & still in use outside the UK). eg: The future's bright, the future's orange

    1. It is on the page for Reprogram the Gene

    2. Apologies - realised you meant in the Brands list. Added.

  9. Leonard Cohen under "real people"?


Thanks for your comments.

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