General Credits
- Researching, editing, web gimpery and floor sweeping by Fraser Marshall
- My special thanks to Matt Anderson for his invaluable assistance with the early versions of this site. It would be very much poorer but for his knowledge and suggestions.
- Original Graphics by Mark Wilkinson, Bill Smith Studio, Carl Glover, Sarah, Ball, Antonio Seijas & Simon Ward
- All lyrics © Fish/Derek Dick, Steve Hogarth, Steve Hogarth & John Helmer, John Helmer, or Steve Hogarth & Nick Van Eede
- Soundtrack by Marillion & Fish
- Marillion FAQ by Jeroen Schipper
- Marillion Discography by Bert ter Steege
- Original idea nicked from Scott McMahan's Genesis Discography
Fish-era Credits
- Fraser Marshall
- Matthew Anderson
- Mo Warden
- Morris McClelland
- Emiliano Bugatti
- Kristie English
- Mark Dempster
- Torsten Berger
- Geoff Parks
- Sarah Lanel
- Paul Irvine
- Wayne Bloschichak
- Julien Gauthier
- P. T. McNiff
- Chris Charette
- Doug Roach
- Kim Quamme Miller
- Martijn Buijs
- Simon Long
- Ben Mimms
- Kaydie
- Bert ter Steege
- Paul R. Lavan
- Aleksey K. Gnilitskiy
- Dr. Peter Niedermueller
- Paul Wouters
- Sergio Notti
- Andy 'Tosh' McIntosh
- Jeroen 'Freaks' Schipper
- Jon Young
- Lars Nordstrom
- Chris McGarel
- Felicity Moore
- Paul and Sanja Rose
- Diz Minnitt
- Gav Metcalfe
- Gary Cumberland
- Vivienne
- Andre Vass
- Stef Jeffries
- David Richardson
- Steve James
Third Party Sources
- Fish - The Funny Farm Interview - July '95, Dick Bros
- Torch - Once a member of the Freaks Mailing List
- Brewer's: - Brewer’s Dictionary Phrase and Fable (pub. 1996, Helicon Publishing)
- Carol Clerk - Marillion in Words and Pictures (pub. 1985, Bobcat Books)
- Mick Wall - Market Square Heroes (pub. 1987, Sedgwick & Jackson)
- Mick Wall - Gone Fishing, Kerrang! 1989
- Jon Collins - Separated Out (pub. 2003, Helter Skelter Publishing)
- Jon Collins - Separated Out Redux (pub. 2012, Foruli Classics)
- The Giant Book of 1000 Lives, (pub. 1996, Magpie)
- Moran, Campbell - The Sick Book (Pub da Vinci)
- A Singles Collection Liner Notes
- The Bible
- Infopedia 94
- Just Seventeen
- A Singles Collection Liner Notes
- Paul and Sanja Rose's Between You and Me podcast
- Marko's Marillion Museum
- Vici MacDonald - Fish Likes an Argument; it's One of His Hobbies, Smash Hits
- Paul Elliot - "I Was an Arsehole" - Paul Elliot
H-era Credits
- Fraser Marshall
- Matt Anderson
- Steve Hogarth (from quotes)
- Steve Rothery (from quotes)
- Mark Kelly (from quotes)
- Pete Trewavas (from quotes)
- Colin 'Bagpuss' Price
- Marina Lenti
- Duncan Lauder
- Bert ter Steege
- Arjan Dasselaar
- Gérald Jay Salvat
- Stefan Rau
- John Haworth
- Tammi
- J. M. ten Napel
- Jon Berger
- Paul Hughes
- P. T. McNiff
- Steve Ross
- Martijn Buijs
- Gareth Foy
- Rich Tipper
- Ed 'Kahuna' Sander
- John Helmer
- Dec ‘Journeyman’
- Dave McMann
- Jacco Kuipers
- Lee Smith
- Stephen Judge
- Greg Kohs
- Gavin Hodgeson
- John Devereaux
- Ian Pedliham
- Bruce 'Biology' Norris
- Shaye 'Nice Tattoo' Lewis
- Mark Dempster
- Max 'History of Guns' Rael
- Rich 'Cannibal Surf Boy' Harding
- Simon 'Head Anorak' Clarke
- Dave 'Hippy Dave' Cooper
- 'The lovely' Kate Marshall
- Andy Saks
- Rob & Sue Corlett
- 'Fangorn'
- 'Bluebird'
- Frans Keylard
- Phil 'Amerillo' Rotherham
- Steve Mobley
- Tom Ward
- Dave Rogers
- Mark Kennedy
- Liam 'Corwyn' Birch
- Tim Myers
- Ric Messier
- Sylvain Clauser
- Corey Baker
- Robert Maitland
- Edwin Heusinkveld
- Ana Carbone
- David Dyte
- Reece Page
- Red Glenn
- Rich Huybens
- Jørn Linné
- Felicity Moore
- Karl Whitmore
- Paul Harding
- Joep Lindeman
- Tony Furminger
- Nathan Page
- Tim Glasswell
- 'Steve'
- Steve Gutteridge
- Johnny Devereaux
- Darren Moore
- Carla Barros
- Stephen Wicks
- Paul and Sanja Rose
- Jon Collins
- Joe Serge
- Andy Smith
- Tarun Shone
Third Party Sources
- 'Brewers': Brewer’s Dictionary Phrase and Fable (pub. 1996, Helicon Publishing)
- 'A Conversation with Steve Hogarth of Marillion', February 3, 1999 by Roger Lotring
- Ed Sciaky WMMR - 93.3 FM - Philadelphia
- Ian Scott of Music America Magazine
- Chris Watts - Kerrang! - 'Marillion's Brave New World', early 1994
- Record Collector article by Linda La Ban, July 1992 (no. 155)
- Jeroen 'Freaks' Schipper Marillion FAQ (see Links page)
- The Giant Book of 1000 Lives, (pub. 1996, Magpie)
- The King James Bible
- Infopedia 94
- A Singles Collection Liner Notes
- Comptons Interactive Encyclopaedia
- Grolier Multimedia Encyclopaedia
- Wikipedia
- Melody Maker 'Catch Their Fall' - October 14 1989
- Mick Wall - Kerrang! edition 257 Sept 23 1989 - 'Pre-Season Friendlies'
- The Times, Friday March 9th 2001 'Pop song that set obsession in train' - Out of this World info
- The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono (Berkeley, 1982) - Lennon quote from King
- - 'Marillion: Right Here' - Scott Khan.
- Nature Magazine, Vol 333, 1988 - Memory of Water theory.
- Paul and Sanja Rose's Between You and Me podcast
- The Corona Diaries podcast
- Dennis Cook - Marillion's Steve Hogarth
- - Season's End climate change info
- NWU's library - Rake's Progress info
- - Winter Trees Sylvia Plath info
- - Man of a Thousand Faces - Elgin Marbles info
- - Hollow Man - Eliot info
- - Out of this World - Bluebird info
- Internet Movie Database (IMDB)
- - Hero with a Thousand Faces info
- - Man of a Thousand Faces - divided soul Info
- - Estonia - Disaster Info
- - Hope for the Future - Limbic Brain info
- - Hope for the Future - Von Daniken info
- - A Few Words For The Dead - Douglas Spotted Eagle info
- - Interior Lulu - Louise Brooks info
- - Interior Lulu - CS Lewis info
- - Interior Lulu & Rich - Anais Nin info
- - Interior Lulu - Henry Miller info
- - When I Meet God - Perfect Mirror info
- - This is the 21st Century - Wise Men info
- - This is the 21st Century - Wise Men info
- - This is the 21st Century - Wise Men info
- - This is the 21st Century - Wise Men info
- - Easter - Plough and the Stars info
- - AoS Cover - Cadillac Photo
- - Cornfly Info
- - whore's kiss quote from Sinead O'Connor
- FEAR - earMusic press release for FEAR
- - Track by Track guide to FEAR
- - New Kings, The Damage, Thankyou Whoever You Are info.
- The Opium Den Mailing List
- Freaks Mailing List