Misplaced Childhood - Intro


Bitter Suite

Heart of Lothian
Waterhole (Expresso Bongo)

A slang term for a pub.
'Expresso Bongo'
Expresso Bongo was a play that turned into a film in 1960 starring Cliff Richard as naive rock star Bert Rudge who signs up with hustler Johnny Jackson. Jackson changes Rudge's name to Bongo Herbert and sets him on the path to fame, but Herbert soon realises he's been stitched up by his dodgy manager and the 50:50 split of his earnings.
However, Piet Spaans says that he had asked Fish whether this referred to the Cliff Richard film and was told it didn't.
Lords of the Backstage
Blind Curve

Introduction: Blind Curve is split into five sub-sections. Only Mylo and Perimeter Walk have explanations.
III. Mylo
Steve Ross said: 'Mylo' was John Mylett, the drummer with Liverpool band Rage, managed by then Marillion manager, John Arnison. Mylo died in a car crash in Ibiza, Spain in 1984. Fish heard about it whilst in Canada on the Fugazi tour.
Fish from an article entitled Fish Likes an Argument; it's One of His Hobbies in Smash Hits by Vici MacDonald: "I
was in Canada when I heard [Mylo] was dead - he'd been in a car crash
and died instantly. And I had to do nine hours of interviews. To every
interviewer that came in I said, 'You must excuse me if I'm
untogether, but one of my best friends has just died.' And not one of
them cared. When it was all over, I just cried and cried and cried."
IV. Perimeter Walk
'Stoned and Immaculate'
This line appears on the version of Bitter Suite
on La Gaza Ladra after 'Could have been ancient... could have been mystical'. Darren Moore
said: "It's a reference to The Doors' song Stoned Immaculate, the ending lyrics being about walking on the perimeter."
Stoned Immaculate - The Doors
Let me tell you about heartache and the loss of god
Wandering, wandering in hopeless night
Out here in the perimeter there are no stars
Out here we is stoned
Childhood's End

Childhoods End was an Arthur C. Clarke novel concerning a race of beings that had grown from its infancy and ascended to a higher lever of evolution. It was a theme that he was to develop further in his classic 2001, A Space Odyssey.
Childhood's End itself served as the inspiration for the Genesis track Watcher of the Skies from 1972's seminal Foxtrot.
White Feather
Lady Nina